This is the Healthmate specialty air cleaner with 60 sq. ft. of medical HEPA, certified to remove 99.97% of
airborne particles 0.3 microns and larger. Contains 15 pounds of granular carbon and zeolite for the
adsorption of odors, gasses and chemicals. Stands 23” tall and 14.5” wide. Comes with wheels for easy
portability. Effectively cleans an area of 1500 sq. ft. (with normal ceiling heights).
Important features of all Austin Air Products:
- Solid steel construction
- Powder-coated paint
- Energy saving PSC motor
- Engineered airflow creating the clean air pocket
- 30-Day money back guarantee
- 5-Year warranty on all parts and labor (see manual for details)
- 5-Year pro-rated filter guarantee (see manual for details)